
Photobiomodulation use in ophthalmology – an overview of translational research from bench to bedside

Photobiomodulation (PBM) refers to the process in which wavelengths of light are absorbed by intracellular photoacceptors, resulting in the activation of signaling pathways that culminate in biological changes within the cell. PBM is the result of low-intensity light-induced reactions in the cell in contrast to thermal photoablation produced by high-intensity lasers. PBM has been effectively […]

A retrospective study of cumulative absolute reduction in axial length after photobiomodulation therapy

Abstract Background To assess the age and timeline distribution of ocular axial length shortening among myopic children treated with photobiomodulation therapy in the real world situations. Methods Retrospective study of photobiomodulation therapy in Chinese children aged 4 to 13 years old where axial length measurements were recorded and assessed to determine effectiveness at two age […]

Photobiomodulation’s Potential as a Non-Invasive Therapy for Alzheimer’s disease and Minimal Cognitive Impairment: A 12-Week Investigation

Abstract Background Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), undergoing a faster increase in occurrence than any other type of dementia, lacks a curative remedy despite advanced discoveries. To explore the realm of non-pharmacologic therapies, our study evaluates the 12-week impact of non-invasive Photobiomodulation (PBM) on cognitive and psychological aspects in individuals with AD and minimal cognitive impairment (MCI). […]

Photobiomodulation therapy (red/NIR LEDs) reduced the length of stay in intensive care unit and improved muscle function: A randomized, triple-blind, and sham-controlled trial.

Abstract Context Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) has been widely used to improve strength, fatigue resistance and increase muscle mass in healthy individuals. These effects could help critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) who show reduced mobility and muscle strength. ICU-acquired weakness lessens overall health and increases the patient’s length of stay in the […]

Photobiomodulation increases brain metabolic activity through a combination of 810 and 660 wavelengths: a comparative study in male and female rats

Abstract Photobiomodulation (PBM), an emerging and non-invasive intervention, has been shown to benefit the nervous system by modifying the mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase (CCO) enzyme, which has red (620–680 nm) or infrared (760–825 nm) spectral absorption peaks. The effect of a single 810-nm wavelength with a combination of 810 nm and 660 nm lights in the brain metabolic activity of […]

The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy

Abstract Soon after the discovery of lasers in the 1960s it was realized that laser therapy had the potential to improve wound healing and reduce pain, inflammation and swelling. In recent years the field sometimes known as photobiomodulation has broadened to include light-emitting diodes and other light sources, and the range of wavelengths used now […]

Photomodulation of oxidative metabolism and electron chain enzymes in rat liver mitochondria

Abstract Low-level laser irradiation has been applied in a variety of laboratory studies and clinical trials for photobiostimulation over the last three decades. Considerable skepticism exists regarding the concept of photostimulation within the medical community. One of the major difficulties with photoirradiation research is that it lacks experimentally supportable mechanisms for the alleged photobiostimulatory effects. […]

Low-intensity light therapy: exploring the role of redox mechanisms

Abstract Low-intensity light therapy (LILT) appears to be working through newly recognized photoacceptor systems. The mitochondrial electron transport chain has been shown to be photosensitive to red and near-infrared (NIR) light. Although the underlying mechanisms have not yet been clearly elucidated, mitochondrial photostimulation has been shown to increase ATP production and cause transient increases in […]

Microcirculatory Response to Photobiomodulation-Why Some Respond and Others Do Not: A Randomized Controlled Study

Abstract Background and objectives: Photobiomodulation (PBM), a non-ionizing, non-thermal irradiation, used clinically to accelerate wound healing and inhibit pain, was previously shown to increase blood flow. However, some individuals respond to PBM, but others do not. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting this patient-specific response using advanced, noninvasive methods for monitoring microcirculatory […]

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